Dr. Rivero diagnoses and treats a multitude of painful conditions, including but not limited to:
- Occipital Neuralgia
- Neck Pain
- Cervical Radicular Pain
- Midback Pain
- Low back Pain
- Lumbar radicular pain
- Herniated disks
- Facet pain
- Sacroilitis treatment
- Joint Pain, Arthritis
- Nerve pain
- Postherpetic Neuralgia
- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (previously Reflex Sympathetic Distrophy)
- Post-laminectomy Syndrome
- Opioid Addiction
Dr. Rivero uses a wide variety of treatments including but not limited to:
- NEW: Growth Factor injections now available for joint, ligament, and disc regeneration
- Regenerative Medicine
- Epidural Steroid Injection
- Selective nerve blocks
- Sacroiliac joint injections
- Facet Injections
- Scar infiltrations
- Rhizotomies (Radiofrequency Ablation)
- Spinal Cord Stimulation
- Sympathetic nerve blocks
- Vertebral Augmentation
- Medication treatment
- Topical Medications
- TENS units
- Opioid addiction treatment
- Physical Therapy
- Aquatherapy
Drivers are required to escort patients home when procedures include any kind of injection that requires sedation or may interfere with coordination. When in doubt, bring a driver!